Lot of people are trying to figure out what they want to do in their life ,most of us are wasting time doing things that we don’t want to do and even if we know what we want to do ,we just don’t know how to . And some of us just don’t care, but if you are someone who is sick of doing your 9–5 job and wants to develop your side hustle you have come to the right place .
Now developing a side hustle can be annoying and you might get lost ,and if you cant understand these .Feel free to contact me . I’m more than happy to help you figure out what you wanna do for FREE .
First you need to be mentally prepared ,otherwise It wont work .This is how
Step Number 1
Have a purpose in your life . Now by purpose I don’t mean owning a lambo or a Ferrarri these are wishes ,not purposes . My purpose in life is to be Free ,not having to work under anyone but myself. I’m sick and tired of being an underdog ,but in order to achieve that goal I have to be an entrepreneur . Its a long walk to Freedom .But I’m determined to achieve it.
Step Number 2
Have an emotional anchor ,an emotional anchor is someone or something that you hold dear ,which give you motivation to get up everyday and hustle .In my case its my parents ,I just want them to have be happy about that fact that they didn't waste their time on me .So whenever I feel down I think about them.
Step Number 3
Embrace your fears . Sometime back I was homeless ,I was living in my car and it was a nightmare .I was lucky that now I have a roof over my head .But the thought and possibility of sleeping in my car scares the shit out of me .and that motivates me to work hard every single day .
Okay Let’s find your side hustle
Step Number 1
Get a pen and a paper .
On one side right down the things that you are really good at and on the other side right down things that you really love .Be honest with your self .Don’t write I can speak Spanish .Knowing lyrics to despacito doesn't necessarily mean you are an expert on Spanish .
Step Number 1.5
Asking from your F.R.I.E.N.D.S can help too ,figure out what they are asking from you, find out how they perceive you . For example my friends ask me relationships advice because I study Psychology and I’m good at navigating through relationships .
Step Number 2
Now comes the hard part ,some might say that this is the easiest .But its not ,the next is to cross reference each other and figure out something to do. For example if you are good at writing and if you love fashion trends you can start a fashion blog .
Step Number 3
The tricky part is whatever you choose has to have some sort of value to someone else ,and if what you do is useless people will not give a rats ass .Doesn’t matter what your side hustle is you will not earn a penny if you cant give value to people .
Step Number 4
Now that you have figured out what you wanna do and you know that it can give some sort of VALUE to people .Next step is figuring out your target audience . To whom it will be valuable . Let’s say you love travelling and you love documenting it (videos or writing) .There are millions of people around the globe who loves travelling and who loves to see content that’s related to travelling but not all the channels out there get the best views .Why? take Nas Daily for example ,his videos are not about showing naked bikini girls on a nice sandy beaches nope they are very informative and they are done in a way that both eye candy and informative . You learn something by looking at his videos. So if you wanna take your GoPro when you go abroad next time think twice before uploading that video .Give your audience something to watch the video entirely without closing it down in few seconds .
Step Number 5
Educate yourself . Education is key to success .I cannot stretch this out but if you don’t educate yourself on whatever it is you want to do ,you will not go that far .If you love selling tuna ,learn about Tuna ,I mean from every aspect ,starting from types of Tuna Tuna related food etc. There are tons of podcasts ,blogs ,videos everywhere for you to learn whatever you want for FREEEEEE.
Step Number 6
Build a REPUTATION . If you jump on the band wagon ,there is no way escaping it .You are in it for the long run . and whatever you are doing ,you need to build up your reputation . Now profile building is a broad subject. The best way to build your reputation is by showing the people that you are an expert on the said subject . The only way to do is make productive and effective content that’s useful to your target audience.So whenever they have a problem ,they would come to you ,not your competition. Everyday people are (including you ) bombarded with thousands of information and our attention span has gotten lower so if you want to be noticed ,Be simple ,be precise and give out a lot of information.
“Give knowledge for FREE ,charge for experience”
Step Number 7
Embrace failure .You are gonna fail ,it wont be a cake walk ,that’s why most people quit and go back to their 9–5 job . Every successful person had failed . So you will fail ,and that’s fine ,if your fashion blog fails ,start something else ,keep it up .Remember there is a whole list ,and most importantly you are amazing and you are capable of achieving great things .
Step Number 8
brace for impact . You will lose friends and that’s okay . The thing that I have noticed is that ,there will be more people to criticize you or abandon you than actually help you from the bottom of their heart .I reduced my inner circle down to few handful of people because I realized that I have been hanging out with energy vampires all my life . You are better off without them ,remove those blood sucking ticks .