I met a Trump!

4 min readApr 27, 2020


Sometime back I was at work and this person (A trump) was using inappropriate racial slurs towards one of my brown colleagues in a friendly manner, he didn’t do anything about it because he was too whitewashed to stand up for himself but I stood up for him .and I said “hey what you are doing is wrong WHITE BOY” ,then this Donald Trump of a dude said “O.M.G you can’t call me that ,that’s so offensive” .So many things happened afterwards but what amazes me is the fact that he got offended because I called him white, which is ironic because for 400 or so years colored people were called many names, not only that we went through hell because of our darker complexions and some no good degenerate gets to come out and tell me that he gets offended when I call out his skin color .May be we forgot to get offended ,I mean when you are working on a cotton field you are just chill ,you are floating on cloud 9, who has time to get offended .Not fair! and Does that mean that they finally understand that calling someone the n word or the c word or other stuff is bad or did he get offended because I challenged his white authority ? Is that white privilege ? I guess I’ll never know .

Although, I think racism has advanced and has become more complex over time ,back in the day it was very analog ,either you are white or not white .Nowadays racism is more than two sanctions. True ,I’m HAPPY , that we ,unlike our ancestors don’t have to fight wars for ages to get equal rights ,we are free people .Thanks to our ancestors ,no one is dragging us across the Atlantic ,the pacific ,the Indian ocean and auctioning us at markets or forcing us to pick cotton .Hallelujah ,we are free people but inequality is still there, according to Log Angeles Times 1 in 1000 black boys or men can get killed by police every year ,that’s 2.5 times more than white men or boys in States.

Moreover, research conducted in Australia showcases that Aboriginal women were forced to leave financially stable jobs due to the discrimination they faced because of their ethnicity. Furthermore, the same research also showcases that when those women complained about the situation to their administrators and they were ignored, which led them to suffer in silence, with no help (Demosthenous, Robertson, & Demonsthenous 2010, p. 39). Lastly, the study also suggests that this was less sever or even nonexistent for Aboriginal women with white decent who identified themselves as Non-Indigenous (Demosthenous, Robertson, & Demonsthenous 2010, p. 27). I mean can you believe that hiding who you are so that you’d have a safe job to put food on your table. I wish these women had a way to get away with these kind of discrimination by saying “OMG you can’t say that ,that’s offensive”.

Also lets talk about jokes ,it’s not funny when you automatically assume that all the brown people come from India ,or all the brown people are called Raj .and No not all Chinese people wants to eat your dog .See, I can take a good joke but we all know where those type of jokes are coming from, but for the sake of argument lets say it is alright ,its a joke right but hey you cant get offended when we clap back at you .That’s not fair .Majority of white racist jokers cant take a clap back .If your ancestors can take our countries why the hell cant you take a joke .Tom.

and while we are at it ,Yes!! we do get skin cancer, Karen ,just because we have a brown skin it doesn’t mean we are immune to skin cancer .So next time before you say “Oh you get sunburned ?,I thought your people cant get skin cancer HA.HA.HA” just know that you are not funny at all ,you are just stupid. and I kinda wish that your parents had used a condom .

“Oh stop complaining ,So many complains” (A typical white complain) my point is don’t be subjected to stereotypes ,do not judge people by their color ,if you truly want to get to know someone do that but don’t involve color . Try to see the person behind the skin .The true change must come from you. World is becoming a better place ,but still it needs a little bit of polishing .That polish can be you .If you ask me I prefer red ,the color that runs in our veins, the color that makes us all HUMAN .




Written by Hima

Welcome to my Journey ,Everything thats Entrepreneurship and Psychology

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